What makes jehovahs witnesses different from christians

They cannot believe that a loving God could create such a horrible place of eternal punishment. However, our Bible teaches just the opposite.

All the unsaved and wicked people will have to appear before the Lord for this final judgment. The Lake of Fire and Brimstone will be the eventual end of Satan, all of his demons, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and all the rest of unsaved humanity who has ever lived. I believe this passage is literal interpretation! The Bible says exactly what it means and there is simply no other way you can spin or re-interpret these words out of Scripture.

The verse on this is found in Revelation I personally believe that God the Father will in no way honor or accept this false religion. For those of you who are ever led by the Lord to try to witness or debate with some of these people, this article will give you some of the main basic differences between their false beliefs and those of true orthodox Christianity. I do not believe this article I mean why would God want wicked to burn in hell forever I mean that's just wicked, Take for example u were a father and ur son stole from u would u put his hand in fire and leave it there forever?

But the only religion I see being persecuted is the JW's please comment if I'm right. Bible,the bible they use is so very wrong,they also believe that this world we live in is everlasting,read Isaiah ,Rev , 2Pet , heb ,,God is going to create a new heaven and earth,this one is going to be destroyed,I can go on with many other scriptures.

Remember, God never created Hell for people. He created it for the devil and his angels. But because God loved us, Jesus became a man and sacrificed himself as the payment of our sin. God has given us an escape from hell.

Eternity is a long time, and Hell is not a place I would want to be in. Just because you don't believe it, does not mean that it isnt true, beloved, It is true, for the word of God is faithful and true, nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken from it, and that is just what the JW have done, they have distorted and trampled on God's Holy word, they have exchanged the true word of God for lies, and their "bible" the new world translation is blasphemy and will in no way, shape, or form ever be acceptable for it is a heresy, spewed right out of the pits of Hell, for the devil doesnt want anyone to know that hell exists or that he even exists, for the biggest trick the Devil ever played on humanity, was convincing people he is a fable and doesnt exist I hope that God removes the spiritual scales off of your eyes so that you can see the truth, and the glory of the Gospel of Christ Jesus Have you ever talked to a Jehovah's Witnesses?

You based your comments on what you know about them. This is so one sided. I just leave you one Bible text where they are very committed. Just check their brotherhood John ,35 different nationalities, races and languages. They don't engaged in war or politics. Well as Jesus said cast the first stone if you didn't sin, check out the history of Catholicism. How they spread the gospels, was it the same as the early Christian did?

Shame on you. Check your religions background and history before you concluded their teaching is wrong. You need to read the scriptures not a rewritten book that serves as a guide to how some want it to be! That kind of tells it all. I am now dealing with 2 jw's. They want to do bible study with me. I know that our beliefs are deeply deeply different.

I don't judge them, however I believe this is a false religion and could easily lead people astray. They hinder what is meant to be a real relationship with God.

Also when u take away the divinity of who died on the cross I believe there will be serious consequences. Jesus's divinity matters! What if we are meant to share the truth with them. I pray Holy Spirit leads me while I point to some undeniable facts in the bible. At the very least I pray they will rethink what they believe. I say this as graciously and respectfully as I can. Do a Bible Study with them as long as it's not using their bible. That would only lead to arguments regarding what they want to push on you.

Indeed, the Apostle Paul saw this as a core and irreducible doctrine of the Christian faith see 1 Corinthians They explicitly deny that Jesus Christ was physically raised in the flesh and believe that all statements to that effect are unscriptural see Studies in the Scriptures, vol.

The Watch Tower teaches that Jesus passed out of existence at death, that God disposed of his body and that on the third day God created him once again as the archangel Michael. Christians believe that all those in every place who call upon the name of Lord Jesus Christ make up the true universal church. And groups of believers who voluntarily covenant together to meet and worship together are local churches. The Watch Tower insists that it, exclusively, is the one true church, and that all other churches are imposters created by Satan.

As proof, the Jehovah Witnesses point to the many different denominations in Christendom. It is the just punishment for sin. See Luke This is a particular form of the error often referred to as annihilationism. And that, further, there is no immaterial part of man that survives physical death.

There are many Bible translations to choose from in the English language, and Christians prefer different translations for a variety of reasons including readability, accuracy, the beauty and flow of language, and the translation process and philosophy behind a particular translation. The translation is full of alternate readings that do not have textual warrant in either the Greek or the Hebrew.

This supports their view that the Holy Spirit is an inanimate force see above. Notoriously, the Word was God in John becomes the Word was a god. They deny that a person is justified by faith. They deny the nature of Christ and the atonement; they deny the resurrection and the just wrath of God upon sin. He has believed in Jesus Christ alone for salvation Romans God has justified all those who trust in Christ Romans Do you believe that?

Jesus is a persona of God. God has three personas: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. All personas are God. Son, Jesus, is only a son in relation to the Father.

While Father is only a father in relation to the Son. Both relationships are only within the trinity, not without the trinity. All three personas are God. Son and Father are both true God.

This, of course, is a major diversion from orthodox Christianity. The instead believe the Holy Spirit is a force applied by God. These comparisons all point to the impersonal nature of the holy spirit.

Jehovah 's Witnesses don't celebrate Christmas or Easter , which makes sense when you remember that they don't believe Jesus is equal to God. They also don't celebrate other national holidays or birthdays in an attempt to remain separate from the world.

Jehovah 's Witnesses try to remain politically neutral. They don't believe in serving in politics or in the military, mainly as another way for them to distance themselves from the culture. Instead, they emphasize citizenship in God's heavenly kingdom. We do not lobby, vote for political parties or candidates, run for government office, or participate in any action to change governments. We believe that the Bible gives solid reasons for following this course," states JW.

Jehovah 's Witnesses hold the controversial view of rejecting blood transfusions, even in life or death situations. Recently, Russia banned Jehovah's Witnesses and this issue was one of the reasons stated for their doing so. Acts Likewise, the Bible prohibits health treatments or procedures that include occult practices. There are reportedly 8.


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