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This isn't over, Tess. Max : I need you to protect Liz, Maria and Kyle. Valenti : With my life. It's been an honor to know you, Max. It's been an honor. Max : Same here. Maria : Liz! Maria : [to Michael] Tess killed Alex! Micheal : What? Liz Parker : Max stop! It was Tess.
Tess killed Alex. She mindwarped Alex and sent him to Las Cruces to decode the book, but he broke out of the mindwarp and she killed him. Kyle : It's true, I was there, I witnessed it. Max : Why didn't you ever say anything? Kyle : Because she mindwarped me! Kyle : [to Tess] You lived in my home, you were like my sister! Max : [looking at Tess but to Micheal] How long?
Micheal : About 3 minutes. Max : Everyone out. Micheal : Max Max : Now! Micheal : Max, I can't go. Ever since we came out of the pods, I've been on some quest to figure out where I belong. I finally found home.
The weird thing is It's on Earth. Max : You of all people Max : Take care of yourself, Michael. I love you. Micheal : You're a great brother. Max : [to Isabel] I would understand Isabel : What you said before You're my home too.
Isabel : MAX! Max : Quick, go. Let's go! But I was right about one thing: To get you into my life, to be around you, to love you. Maria : [to Michael] You opened the door and you came out - why? Max : I have to save my son Isabel : So what now Max?
Max : We save my son. Liz Parker : I jumped off bridges for you, I broke laws for you, I risked getting shot for you, I trusted you! Brown Philip Evans as Philip Evans.
Jason Dohring Jerry as Jerry. Jason Peck Hanson as Hanson. Hawthorne James Suspect as Suspect. Ted Rooney Mr. Whitman as Mr. Allan Kroeker. Storyline Edit. Liz is in denial, refusing to believe that her friend would commit suicide; Maria falls apart, leaning on a surprisingly caring Michael for support; Isabel believes her friend's death was her fault; Kyle tries to stay strong and Max finds himself jealous that Sean is there for Liz when he can't be.
Liz makes an accusation that could ultimately crush her relationship with not only Max, but the entire pod squad. Drama Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller. Add content advisory. Did you know Edit. Goofs In this episode, you see very clearly that Alex is buried on top of a deserted hill, yet in later episodes when Isabelle goes to visit the grave stone it is surrounded by many other gravestones, on a flat field. Quotes Max : You are so full of it.
Armstrong , Paul Statham as P. Statham and Pascal Gabriel as P. User reviews 1 Review.