Why does scary music play in minecraft

Despite their name, they are not sounds that one would expect to hear inside of a cave, such as falling pebbles, but rather supernatural noises frequently likened to ghostly train whistles, rice rockets, and demon roars. The space does not need to be sealed off - a sound can even play from a space that the player can actually see - nor does the player need to be underground to hear it.

The sounds can also come from player-created spaces, even if that space is a box above the clouds. Minecraft Minecraft Earth Minecraft Dungeons. Useful pages. Minecraft links. Gamepedia support Report a bad ad Help Wiki Contact us. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? History Talk This article is about the sounds that play semi-randomly in the background of gameplay.

For the ambient-genre music that plays in-game, see Music. This feature is exclusive to Java Edition. Not to be confused with the sound produced by flowing water. Their names are derived from their in-game code names. Cancel Save. Fan Feed 1 Java Edition 1. Universal Conquest Wiki. Robotic glitching noises This audio file resembles the image of a Creeper face if put into a spectrogram. An iron door slamming shut followed by a bell ringing with dark ambient whooshing sounds in the background.

Plays once at least every ticks while the player is in the biome, based on the mood algorithm. The map format was updated to the Anvil format, which now allows ambience to be heard in multiplayer.

Added 95 different nether ambient sounds for the nether wastes , crimson forest , warped forest ,and soul sand valley. Contrary to popular insistence, ambience is not an indicator of nearby ore , dungeons , or mobs.

Following them can still lead the player to such things indirectly, since they emanate from unexplored caves. I have noticed that I tend to hear it as I descend into darkness or reach the surface during the day, so I believe that there are triggers to improve the mood, just not ones that are related to dungeons yet.

I've heard it when entering a dark area when I'm caving before put torches up. This has happened regularly enough to make me think it is a trigger for the scary music, but may be just a coincidence.

The train-like noise means that you're near an unlit undiscovered cave system. One of the noises of which I'm not sure means that you're near a dungeon, but the only problem is that you can't tell whether to dig in front of you, behind you, up, down, left, or right. As far as I can tell the music is mostly meaningless.

I have heard that it signifies morning has come but it doesn't always play then. I think it's more there to just freak you out or get you inspired than it is to serve any mechanical purpose. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?

Learn more. What does Minecraft's scary music mean? Ask Question. Asked 11 years, 1 month ago. Active 9 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 77k times.


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