High contrast mode. Invert colors. Disable interface animations. Optimize fonts for dyslexia. To reduce font size: Press Ctrl and -. To reset font size: Press Ctrl and 0. The Sassoon Haggadah Unidentified scribe. Spain or Southern France. H: 21; W: Purchased by the State of Israel through an anonymous donor, London. Accession number: L-B From the Israel Museum publications: Weiser, Rafael ed. The Yahuda Haggadah. The haggadah, developed in and updated several times since, is a family-friendly compilation for seders at home or Zoom-style, ready for coast-to-coast family togetherness.
The seder service is a simple, page interactive telling of the Exodus. New York Times food writer Florence Fabricant last year recommended it as family friendly and appropriate for a remote, Zoom seder.
An example of the family-friendly haggadah creatively illustrating Elijah opening the door. It has all the songs, easily followed and presented with guitar chords. Since its creation five years ago, the Asher family has enjoyed the haggadah, originally illustrated by all the grandchildren and cousins who are now grown and living across the United States, from Atlanta, New Orleans and Washington, D.
First-time seder participants, grandparents and interfaith families can use the haggadah to engage in the songs and stories of Passover. Juliet Asher took them over as a family tradition. Her daughters, our granddaughters Samantha Golden, 14, and Jackie Golden, 11, are now the bakers.