Its mission is to provide learning opportunities in addition to traditional high schools. The school offers more than courses by certified… … Wikipedia. Peebles High School — is a state comprehensive school for girls and boys aged 11 18, located in the town of Peebles in Peeblesshire. It came into existence as Bonnington Park Academy in Since then, it has expanded and now has approximately pupils, which is… … Wikipedia.
However, if anything changes between now and the end of June we are prepared to immediately switch to our original Graduation Drive-through Ceremony plan.
The video will be available to be viewed for about 30 DAYS and may be shared with family, friends and others who may be interested. Again, I know this is not what we all wanted but as soon as anything changes with regards to the restrictions being lifted, we will switch to the Drive-through Graduation Ceremony we had originally planned to hold.
Close Alert Banner. Subscribe to this Page. Virtual Graduation Ceremony. Sinclair is presently the largest high school in Whitby. Today, Sinclair is fully networked with computers , as well as televisions in classrooms and hallways which depict announcements and the time. Sinclair has 4 floors in total and also includes a drama theater, two gyms, an autoshop, two cafeterias and a student common equipped with a store.
The school also has an active arts department drama , music. Sinclair presently boasts some of the highest provincial test scores in literacy and math.