Rather, it provides a practical and flexible approach for achieving concrete, measurable progress across its economic and environmental pillars, while taking full account of the social consequences of greening the growth dynamic of economies. The focus of green growth strategies is ensuring that natural assets can deliver their full economic potential on a sustainable basis. That potential includes the provision of critical life support services — clean air and water, and the resilient biodiversity needed to support food production and human health.
Natural assets are not infinitely substitutable and green growth policies take account of that. In May , the OECD delivered its Green Growth Strategy to Heads of State and Ministers from over forty countries, who welcomed it as a useful tool for expanding economic growth and job creation through more sustainable use of natural resources, efficiencies in the use of energy, and valuation of ecosystem services.
The Strategy responds to a request from Ministers of the 34 countries who signed the Green Growth Declaration in , committing to strengthen their efforts to pursue green growth strategies as part of their response to the economic crisis and beyond. Green growth policies are an integral part of the structural reforms needed to foster strong, more sustainable and inclusive growth.
They can unlock new growth engines by:. Strategies for greener growth need to be tailored to fit specific country circumstances. They will need to carefully consider how to manage any potential trade-offs and best exploit the synergies between green growth and poverty reduction.
The latter include, for example, bringing more efficient infrastructure to people e. Given the centrality of natural assets in low-income countries, green growth policies can reduce vulnerability to environmental risks and increase the livelihood security of the poor.
Efficiency in green energy is slightly dependent on location as, if you have the right conditions, such as frequent and strong sunlight, it is easy to create a fast and efficient energy solution. However, to truly compare different energy types it is necessary to analyse the full life cycle of an energy source. This includes assessing the energy used to create the green energy resource, working out how much energy can be translated into electricity and any environmental clearing that was required to create the energy solution.
Currently, wind farms are seen as the most efficient source of green energy as it requires less refining and processing than the production of, for example, solar panels. Advances in composites technology and testing has helped improve the life-span and therefore the LEC of wind turbines.
However, the same can be said of solar panels, which are also seeing a great deal of development. Green energy solutions also have the benefit of not needing much additional energy expenditure after they have been built, since they tend to use a readily renewable source of power, such as the wind. Renewable energy sources are currently ranked as follows in efficiency although this may change as developments continue :.
Green energy provides real benefits for the environment since the power comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind and water. Constantly replenished, these energy sources are the direct opposite of the unsustainable, carbon emitting fossil fuels that have powered us for over a century. Creating energy with a zero carbon footprint is a great stride to a more environmentally friendly future. If we can use it to meet our power, industrial and transportation needs, we will be able to greatly reduce our impact on the environment.
As we touched upon earlier, there is a difference between green, clean and renewable energy. This is slightly confused by people often using these terms interchangeably, but while a resource can be all of these things at once, it may also be, for example, renewable but not green or clean such as with some forms of biomass energy.
Green energy is that which comes from natural sources, such as the sun. Clean energy are those types which do not release pollutants into the air, and renewable energy comes from sources that are constantly being replenished, such as hydropower, wind power or solar energy.
Renewable energy is often seen as being the same, but there is still some debate around this. However, a source such as wind power is renewable, green and clean — since it comes from an environmentally-friendly, self-replenishing and non-polluting source. Readily replenished, these energy sources are not just good for the environment, but are also leading to job creation and look set to become economically viable as developments continue. The fact is that fossil fuels need to become a thing of the past as they do not provide a sustainable solution to our energy needs.
By developing a variety of green energy solutions we can create a totally sustainable future for our energy provision, without damaging the world we all live on. TWI has been working on different green energy projects for decades and has built up expertise in these areas, finding solutions for our Industrial Members ranging from electrification for the automotive industry to the latest developments in renewable energy. Contact us to find out more and see how we could help advance your energy project: contactus twi.
These sources of energy include solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, and hydroelectric power. Clean energy is energy that comes from renewable, zero emission sources that do not pollute the atmosphere when used, as well as energy saved by energy efficiency measures.
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