All this information is placed into a computer; it throws its dice and out comes the aircraft selections for each class. From this point on, the class members go to the four separate airfields for tactical training in their aircraft. They are taught the mission and tactical aspects of their individual aircraft, now by military flight instructors. Additionally, the UH, OH, and AH-1 students have a four-week transition course where they learn the systems and how to fly their aircraft. The AH-1 students also have a two-week aircraft gunnery phase.
They are also taught the art of landing and taking off from confined areas and pinnacles. They are taught how to get from place to place using tactical maps. It is during this phase that the basic missions for each individual aircraft are taught. This phase is the most mentally demanding on the student and potentially the most dangerous.
Due to the close proximity to obstacles, this is more dangerous than instruments because the IP has less time to react to a situation. However, the student, by this time, is familiar enough with the aircraft and its controls to minimize the danger.
During this phase, multiship missions are conducted in which all aspects of the aircraft and its missions are carried out. All the prior training is combined and utilized. Graduation Finally, the long awaited and sweated-out for graduation is at hand. The graduation festivities take place over a three-day period for the WOCs.
The second day the WOCs become warrant officers in a ceremony in which they are discharged as enlisted soldiers and appointed as warrant officers.
The last day is the most important — the ceremony for the awarding of wings takes place. From this point on, they are fully qualified Army Warrant Officer Aviators. It is from here that the Army flying career begins and realization of the dream. CW5 Allen R. Copyright The appearance of U. The appearance of U. Function as direct combat participants with organic armament systems, and sustain combat proficiency for their designated aircraft as outlined in the appropriate aircrew-training manual.
Aviation Warrant Officers fill a unique role within Army Aviation as the technical and tactical experts of the branch providing long-term continuity of service within both conventional and special operations Aviation units. Military Service are potential sources for high quality Warrant Officer Aviators. A Joint Service agreement allows Service Members who are selected for this program to be discharged from their Service and enlisted in the U.
Commissioned Officers from the U. Supervises the effective utilization of ATC equipment and ATC personnel at all categories of Army ATC facilities; supervises fixed base ATC training and rating programs, combat support training and certification programs, and combat support and fixed-base facility operations procedures; and supervises airspace management functions and airspace processing procedures into the National Airspace System NAS.
Manage the safety, maintenance, and reporting programs; coordinate UAS airspace frequencies, and requirements to facilitate UAS operations. Act as the Army Liaison for UAS missions; assist command staffs at all levels with analysis of UAS data to satisfy aggregate priority requirements, and serve as an advisor and subject matter expert for all UAS related issues.
Manages personnel, supplies, equipment, and facility assets to maintain and repair Army rotary, fixed-wing and unmanned aerial systems. Develops and implements responsive maintenance and logistical support to achieve the missions assigned by the Aviation Maneuver Commander. They organize maintenance elements to inspect service, test, disassemble, repair, reassemble, adjust, replace parts, and retest aircraft or aircraft components.
Pilots and other aircrew members must have top-notch visual and spatial skills, stable health, and impeccable judgment and emotional control. There is a year service obligation after you complete Warrant Officer Flight Training. If you do not complete Warrant Officer Candidate School, you will still be obligated to complete the remainder of your original service obligation as an enlisted Solider.
If you are a civilian, you will work with a recruiter to officially join the Army and enter directly into Warrant Officer Candidate School. Over the course of your journey, you will prepare an application packet for the Warrant Officer Pilot Program. Due to the responsibility and training required to fly Army aircraft, all Army Pilots are either Warrant Officers or Commissioned Officers. In addition, you'll receive a monthly bonus as long as you're qualified to fly. The longer you serve and the further you move up in rank, the more money you will earn.
Aviation Warrant Officers go through several stages of extensive training to prepare for their roles. When first accepted, you will attend Warrant Officer Candidate School for six weeks. Next, you'll attend Warrant Officer Pilot School and will complete comprehensive flight training that lasts for about a year typically between months.
In the Army, not only will you be able to learn to fly for free, but you will also receive a generous salary and benefits while you are training. Army Warrant Officer Recruiting website. Careers and Jobs Benefits. What is the Army?
History Structure and Organization. Serving in the Army Serve Your Way. Post Locations. Army Reserve.