What should talk about with my boyfriend

Ask him about his first memory, his first day at school, his first toy and his first birthday party that he can remember. It's a great way to get to know about the things that matter to him and what he was like when he was a child. Ask him things that are quirky. This can lead to fun, entertaining questions when you're both already in a good mood. Questions like: "Do you still believe in Santa? Keep the conversation light and amusing, no answer is the wrong one! Be complimentary. Tell him how, and why, you loved a particular date.

For an example you might say, "I loved when you took me out to dinner. It was such a beautiful restaurant that it made me feel extra special. Discuss the future. Talk about the things you'd like to do someday——maybe you want to visit Crete, star in a play, write a novel, or live on a boat. Ask about what he's dreamed of doing. Here are some possible topics: Where you want to go to school What you want to study Where you want to live Where you want to travel Possible hobbies What job you want to have.

Play a game. It could be a board game, online game, or video game——whatever you choose. If you're competing against each other, you can gently trash talk and rib your boyfriend. If you're playing on the same team, you can discuss strategy and gameplay.

Listen actively. The art of talking with another person includes a lot of listening that encourages the other person to talk more. Show your boyfriend that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say by acknowledging the things he says, using affirmative statements and body language as he speaks and summarizing aspects of what he tells you so that he knows you've taken it on board.

Talking too much can make even a fresh relationship seem stale and boring. Let him know you're still there. Small talk can turn into silence very quickly. Stay informed. If you can find time to watch or read the news, you'll have more topics floating around your mind. Keep up on current events, funny clips of comedy shows, or viral internet stories. When the conversation lulls, ask your boyfriend if he's heard of what you read or saw recently. If he has, you two can talk about what you think.

If not, now is the perfect time to tell him all about it. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Be yourself and don't act fake. It will make you more nervous trying to be "perfect" around him.

Remember, he choose you for who 'you' are. What was your favorite thing to do during recess? What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? What is the weirdest reason you ever broke up with someone? When was the time you laughed the hardest?

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose? What celebrities have you met? What word do you hate? What is your pop culture guilty pleasure? What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? What is the weirdest thing you've ever bought? Have you ever been to a palm reader? Who would you rather hire: a personal trainer, a personal chef, or a housekeeper? What would you do if you could be a woman for a day?

What is the one movie you've seen more times than you can count? If a movie was being made about your life, what actor would play you? What actress would play your love interest? What were you like in high school?

What fictional character do you relate to the most? Would you rather be hot or cold? If you could be born in a different decade, what decade would you choose? What is your favorite part about being an adult?

Have you ever played Truth or Dare? What was the most memorable dare that you accepted? In an ideal world, how many times would you have sex in a week? What is something you've always wanted to try in bed? Have you ever been attracted to a man? How did you lose your virginity? When was the first time you ever masturbated? What is your number one sexual fantasy? Would you ever do it in real life? Where is your favorite place to have sex outside of the bedroom?

Have you ever been walked in on during sex? Have you ever walked in on someone else? What is the craziest thing you've ever been asked to do in bed? Did you do it? How do you feel about porn? What kind of porn do you like? What is your favorite sexual position? What is your least favorite sexual position? What are your most sensitive erogenous zones that don't always get attention? Nipples, ears, neck, etc.

What is your favorite part about sex? Foreplay, teasing, penetration, oral sex, pillow talk, etc. If we were going to role play, who would you want me to dress up as? What sex toy have you been dying to try? What words or sexy phrases turn you on? What is the weirdest thing that turns you on? When you've been in a relationship for a while, it can be hard to come up with new things to talk about. These interesting questions to ask your boyfriend are a great way to ensure that there's never a dull moment between the two of you.

Where is your ideal place to live? On a farm in the middle of nowhere, in an elegant house on the water, or in a hip, downtown condo? What do you want to do when you retire? What is your ideal vacation? Staying at an all-inclusive resort in Maui, sightseeing in London, or camping at Yosemite National Park?

What is your favorite city? If it's been a minute, talk about what you'd like to do in the next year, five years, etc. On the flip side, the past is also an untapped source for good stories. So, while you've likely covered the basics, try to delve deeper by sharing childhood secrets or telling old family stories.

Have you ever played the question game? It's simple, since all it involves is you guessed it! There is, however, a twist or two, Dan Munro , a confidence and relationship coach, tells Bustle. It's like truth or dare Of course, it's OK to say no and to keep secrets to yourself, if that's what you'd prefer to do. No one ever said you have to be a complete open book, just because you're in a relationship.

But this game will help build a sense of closeness between you, if you trust each other with a secret or two. If you can't shake the nagging feeling you've "run out of things to say," Munro says it's often a sign you're keeping your cards too close to your chest, and not letting each other in.

So go ahead and get real. Ask how your partner feels, right this moment. What would they like to work on in your relationship? What's bothering them? The more honest and open you are, the better your relationship will feel. In the same vein, consider sharing "random" thoughts and emotions, even if they don't seem conversation-worthy. As Munro says, the "noise inside your head" can be quite interesting. And since it's always changing, you technically can't run out of things to say.

Of course, this doesn't mean blurting out hurtful things, or talking just for the sake of talking. Instead, it's about pulling inspiration from your inner dialogue — your daydreams, thoughts, concerns, etc.

Bring it all to the surface, and see where the conversation leads. This is a topic you should be chatting about regularly, to make sure you're both happy and on the same page. But it's also fun to share your fantasies, especially if you've never talked about them before. So, talk about it: Are you both fulfilled? Do you want to try something new? It may feel awkward at first, but questions like these can spark a healthy convo that you've probably never had before.

If your partner could change one thing from their past, what would it be? What would they do differently, if they could go back in time? As a bonus, it'll help you make better decisions as a couple going forward. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Username or email. Reset password. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn how you can make deep and engaging conversations both fun and easy to approach.

Pillow talk is one of those small pleasures that life brings. But…what to actually talk with your boyfriend at night? Sure, at the beginning of your relationship, there are definitely loads of topics for you to tackle, since there are still many things that you can learn about one another.

From favorite hobbies, interests, the foods you love most, to stances on more serious matters like politics and religion.

However, at some point, it can feel like you know everything there is to know about each other, and that longing sensation you felt when night approached is slowly fading.

In a lot of cases, men actually appreciate being listened to, or just making you laugh and enjoying your evening that much more. Think about how the two of you got together, what attracted you to him above all others. And hey, you might actually end up enjoying them yourself even more than him! After all, we all want to share our passions and good memories with someone else. To have someone understand what really brightens our day, gets us through tough moments.

Remember that your late night conversations are a channel to express your feelings too. There are many topics to tackle out there, whether deep or just silly fun. These should keep you busy for a while. However, if you want even more topics to discuss, check out our article about questions to ask when in a relationship. And for even more quality conversations handled in a fun way, check out our replayable card game for couples, Better Topics. Develop effective communication, create lasting harmony, and keep love alive.

Get the mobile game for FREE and join the fun right away with your partner! At its core, Better Topics is a card game that improves your relationship. We make just sitting down and chatting with your partner a fun activity, that also helps you talk about the truly important things.


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