Use the Strip Mining Method Strip mining is a lot less fun than it sounds. Make sure you check the surrounding blocks , first. Always bring lots of Torches. Mining is a dark job. If you want to ensure you can see bring the necessary tools.
Lava does not guarantee Diamonds. Many players associate Lava with finding rare Ore , but that's not the truth. Because Lava is most common in the same place that Diamonds are found there is often a crossover. While these are some great tips, Minecraft is vast and limitless. Try discovering your own Diamond mining techniques! Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Release Date. Sony Has Sold In Partnership with Wal-Mart. Alternatively you could light your way using Night Vision potions - though this won't prevent mobs from spawning.
If you need to take a break from mining Diamonds, make sure to mark your location with a Beacon so that you can easily find your way back! That's everything you need to know about how to find Diamonds in Minecraft fast. But Diamonds alone aren't enough: you're going to need to consult our guide to Enchantments to learn how to enchant your gear to become as strong as possible.
If you're having trouble finding Diamonds, check out our list of Texture Packs , because some of them will help you spot ores more easily. And while you're digging, keep an eye out for Copper , the new ore added with 1.
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Rebecca Jones 5 hours ago. Hayden Hefford 5 hours ago. Hayden Hefford 1 day ago. A player needs a supply of torches and wood for more sticks it is likely to find plenty of coal along the way. When caving, a player should take the usual supplies for that, especially armor and weapons. Spelunking exploring caves takes less time and tool-usage than mining, but is more dangerous since there could be monsters within.
To locate diamond ore by caving, simply explore any cave, either by locating surface entrances or digging and working down to level 15 or lower. In Java Edition , pressing F3 the debug screen helps check depth. In Bedrock Edition , there is a "show coordinates" game setting that doesn't count as a cheat.
It is best to mine at level 11 or 12 because lava beds mainly spawn at level A bucket of water can be useful to stop lava flows. Ravines and shafts can provide shortcuts to the depths; creating a waterfall can help players get down and back up safely. Finding underground lava pools is a good indication of the proper depth range, but may not be the best place to find diamonds. Lava may have replaced part of the ore pocket, leaving fewer diamonds to mine.
If a player does see diamond-ore blobs exposed near a lava pool, use a water bucket to convert the surface of the pool into obsidian or cobblestone, then leave the area flooded while mining. That way, if there's more lava under the diamond ore, the water can quench it before the lava can destroy the newly mined diamond s. If no diamonds are revealed after spending some time searching, don't give up - diamonds are considered rare for good reason.
Search for more caves at similar levels, or switch to the next method: mining or searching for village chests. To do this, the player must have many potions of water breathing and night vision.
Oceans have many ravines which can contain many caves for searching and may contain diamonds at the bottom. It is a profitable way to find diamonds as many ores are already unearthed for you. Blowing up TNT is one of the fastest ways to mine, but it does require a player to kill a large number of creepers for gunpowder and obtain lots of sand.
Given a generous amount of TNT, a player can blow up one at a time, detonate a large clump, or place a block every five meters. Branch mining is safer and more reliable than caving but consumes more tool-crafting resources.
It also generates a lot of spare cobblestone , gravel , andesite , dirt , diorite , and granite , which, depending on the player, may be viewed as a downside or a benefit. It is advisable to use a silk touch pickaxe for stone as the stone items can be traded for emeralds. Players should prepare 6 or more pickaxes pickaxe type dependent on current resources before starting, carry a water bucket , full set of iron armor , 3 stacks of torches , an iron sword , some quality food, a crafting table , a shovel for clearing dirt and gravel , a shield to block skeleton arrows, and a furnace.
Players can use their bucket to store lava from nearby lava pools for some good smelting. Enchant equipment if possible, as even the weakest enchantments make a large difference.
Spreadsheet showing the best level for mining diamonds on Bedrock edition 1. To create a diamond mine, first, get down to the diamond layers. Besides following existing caves, players can just dig a vertical shaft, quarry, or staircase down to the diamond-containing layers but remember the cardinal rule: don't dig straight down. Most players prefer level 11 because that puts the "lava flood" at foot level.
Deeper tunnels are likely to expose lava at head level or from above, but at level 11, lava is likely to be exposed in the floor. This may block further progress, but probably won't flood down the tunnel, and a player cannot fall down a pit into the lava.
For Bedrock edition, level 11 also has the biggest chance of finding diamonds. Once at the chosen level, begin branch mining or mining long, level hallways two blocks high and one block wide. Sooner or later often later , mining exposes a diamond ore blob. Sometimes, the player can find two or more diamond blobs intersecting together while branch mining. After finding the first diamonds and graduating to enchanting, a player should make and carry one Fortune III pickaxe to multiply the diamonds mined in the future.
At this point, enchanting the player's new diamond pickaxe with Fortune seems obvious; however, there is a better way: Enchant the diamond pickaxe with Silk Touch , and keep a separate Fortune III pickaxe which can be left home instead of risked on trips for valuable ores. If possible, add Mending to the Fortune pickaxe.
It's likely for a mine to intersect several caves. Since any cave located while mining for diamonds is naturally at the right level for diamonds, it's a good idea to explore and light the cave before proceeding with the mine. A cave is likely to have hostile mobs inside. Although diamonds themselves are nonrenewable, diamond tools and armor can be renewably obtained via villager trading.
The following diamond items can be renewably obtained via villager trading:. This video shows how to find diamonds mathematically by looking for patches of similarly generated, but visible things. Upon finding a block or blob of diamond ore, a player must mine it to get the diamond it contains. Before doing this, though, make sure the area is safe: after all, players don't want to lose any diamonds.
First, if the player has located the diamond ore by caving, then the player should light up or block off any nearby dark areas to avoid getting blown up or shot while attempting to mine.
Flood any lava nearby, turning it into obsidian then go back and light up any areas which are now dark. Next, dig away all blocks touching the blob, both to expose the whole blob and to make sure the diamonds don't drop into lava and burn.
Any lava found should be flooded with water. If this results in obsidian next to the diamonds that cannot be mined away, the area should be flooded and then the diamonds can be mined, to quench any newly-exposed lava while mining. Now that it's safe to mine, use an iron, diamond, or netherite pickaxe to break the blocks. The blocks drop one gem each, unless mined with a pickaxe enchanted with the Fortune enchantment. Fortune III, the highest level, causes as many as four diamonds to drop, and on average doubles the yield of a diamond blob.
Remember to dig around diamond blobs, as diamonds can form diagonally in the same blob. If a player does not have a Fortune pickaxe but has a Silk Touch pickaxe , then the player can mine the block using a Silk Touch pickaxe to obtain the diamond ore. The diamond ore can then be stored elsewhere until obtaining a Fortune pickaxe to mine the diamond ore with a higher yield.