What is the difference between rea and res

You can use this mechanism to perform pre-conditions on a route then pass control to subsequent routes when there is no reason to proceed with the route matched. The following snippet illustrates the most simple route definition possible. Express translates the path strings to regular expressions, used internally to match incoming requests.

Adds callback triggers to route parameters, where name is the name of the parameter and callback is the callback function. Although name is technically optional, using this method without it is deprecated starting with Express v4. Unlike app. Hence, param callbacks defined on router will be triggered only by route parameters defined on router routes. A param callback will be called only once in a request-response cycle, even if the parameter is matched in multiple routes, as shown in the following examples.

The following section describes router. The behavior of the router. This function is a custom implementation of how router. In this example, the router.

Instead of accepting a name and a callback, router. Returns an instance of a single route which you can then use to handle HTTP verbs with optional middleware. Use router. Building on the router. NOTE: When you use router. For this purpose, you can consider method handlers to belong to the route to which they were added. This method is similar to app. A simple example and use case is described below. The order in which you define middleware with router.

They are invoked sequentially, thus the order defines middleware precedence. For example, usually a logger is the very first middleware you would use, so that every request gets logged.

Now suppose you wanted to ignore logging requests for static files, but to continue logging routes and middleware defined after logger. You would simply move the call to express. NOTE : Although these middleware functions are added via a particular router, when they run is defined by the path they are attached to not the router.

Therefore, middleware added via one router may run for other routers if its routes match. For example, this code shows two different routers mounted on the same path:. To avoid this behavior, use different paths for each router.

You must set the value in the sub-app. Inherit the value of settings with no default value. For details, see Application settings. NOTE : Sub-apps will inherit the value of this setting.

Be sure to set to "production" in a production environment; see Production best practices: performance and reliability. This is typically set to the number of spaces to use to indent prettified JSON. The extended query parser is based on qs.

If an array, the views are looked up in the order they occur in the array. String String containing comma-separated values Array of strings An IP address, subnet, or an array of IP addresses, and subnets to trust. Pre-configured subnet names are: loopback - Number Trust the n th hop from the front-facing proxy server as the client. Function Custom trust implementation.

Use this only if you know what you are doing. Type Value Boolean true enables weak ETag. String If "strong", enables strong ETag. If "weak", enables weak ETag. Function Custom ETag function implementation.

The optional options argument is supported by Express v4. Property Description Default Availability maxAge Sets the max-age property of the Cache-Control header in milliseconds or a string in ms format 0 root Root directory for relative filenames.

Set false to disable it. Enabled 4. If enabled, the maxAge option should also be specified to enable caching. The immutable directive will prevent supported clients from making conditional requests during the life of the maxAge option to check if the file has changed.

Enables or disables handling deflated compressed bodies; when disabled, deflated bodies are rejected. Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the bytes library for parsing. The reviver option is passed directly to JSON.

Enables or disables only accepting arrays and objects; when disabled will accept anything JSON. This is used to determine what media type the middleware will parse. This option can be a string, array of strings, or a function. If a function, the type option is called as fn req and the request is parsed if it returns a truthy value.

This option, if supplied, is called as verify req, res, buf, encoding , where buf is a Buffer of the raw request body and encoding is the encoding of the request. The parsing can be aborted by throwing an error. Preserve the req. See dotfiles below. Enable or disable etag generation NOTE: express. Sets file extension fallbacks: If a file is not found, search for files with the specified extensions and serve the first one found.

Example: ['html', 'htm']. Let client errors fall-through as unhandled requests, otherwise forward a client error. See fallthrough below. Enable or disable the immutable directive in the Cache-Control response header. Sends the specified directory index file. Set to false to disable directory indexing. Set the max-age property of the Cache-Control header in milliseconds or a string in ms format. Function for setting HTTP headers to serve with the file. See setHeaders below. Specify the default character set for the text content if the charset is not specified in the Content-Type header of the request.

This option allows to choose between parsing the URL-encoded data with the querystring library when false or the qs library when true. For more information, please see the qs library. This option controls the maximum number of parameters that are allowed in the URL-encoded data.

If a request contains more parameters than this value, an error will be raised. The path for which the middleware function is invoked; can be any of: A string representing a path. A path pattern. A regular expression pattern to match paths. An array of combinations of any of the above.

For examples, see Path examples. Callback functions; can be: A middleware function. A series of middleware functions separated by commas. An array of middleware functions. A combination of all of the above.

Environment mode. A directory or an array of directories for the application's views. Enables view template compilation caching. The default engine extension to use when omitted.

Custom trust implementation. Custom ETag function implementation. You can define and mount a middleware function locally. Router router. The number of modules installed, the name of the project, the version, and other meta information. To add Express as a module in our project, first we need to create a project directory and then create a package. This will generate a package. To install any module from npm we need to have package.

We can confirm that Express has correctly installed by two ways. First, there will be new section in package. This folder stores the packages we install locally in our project. To use our installed package for Express framework and create a simple server application, we will create the file, index. This will start the server.

This bare-minimum application will listen on port The first line of our code is using the require function to include the express module. This is how we include and use a package installed from npm in any JavaScript file in our project. Before we start using Express, we need to define an instance of it which handles the request and response from the server to the client. In our case, it is the variable app. It has a callback function req, res that listen to the incoming request req object and respond accordingly using res response object.

Both req and res are made available to us by the Express framework. Lastly, app. We can define the port number such as Importing the dependencies such as the express itself. These dependencies are installed using npm like we did in the previous example. These are the statements to create an object.

To use express, we have to instantiate the app variable from it. These statements are the custom application based settings that are defined after the instantiations or defined in a separate file more on this when discuss the project structure and required in our main server file.

These functions determine the flow of request-response cycle. They are executred after every incoming request. We can also define custom middleware functions. We have section on them below. They are the endpoints defined in our server that helps to perform operations for a particular client request. The last that gets executed in an Express server is the app.

Routing refers to how an server side application responds to a client request to a particular endpoint. In both cases the syntax is similar syntax for a route can be defined as:.

Routers are helpful in separating concerns such as different endpoints and keep relevant portions of the source code together. They help in building maintainable code. All routes are defined before the function call of app.

In a typical Express application, app. HTTP is a standard protocol for a client and a server to communicate over. It provides different methods for a client to make request. Each route has at least on hanlder function or a callback. This callback function determines what will be the response from server for that particular route.

But this is not a general rule and so the instructions should be clearer. What's the difference between req. FAQ Express. In exercise 6, we see the following code: app. Unclear instructions. The app now uses the requestTime middleware function. Also, the callback function of the root path route uses the property that the middleware function adds to req the request object. When you make a request to the root of the app, the app now displays the timestamp of your request in the browser.

Here we use the cookie-parser middleware to parse incoming cookies off the req object and pass them to our cookieValidator function. The validateCookies middleware returns a Promise that upon rejection will automatically trigger our error handler. Note how next is called after await cookieValidator req. This ensures that if cookieValidator resolves, the next middleware in the stack will get called. If you pass anything to the next function except the string 'route' or 'router' , Express regards the current request as being an error and will skip any remaining non-error handling routing and middleware functions.

Because you have access to the request object, the response object, the next middleware function in the stack, and the whole Node.


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