If a man previously underwent surgery, his PSA should be undetectable; after radiation, there are often residual normal prostate cells that still make some PSA. PSA monitoring after treatment is an important way of understanding whether or not all the prostate cancer cells have been destroyed.
PSA is produced by all prostate cells, not just prostate cancer cells. In order to determine why your PSA is rising, your doctor will first try to determine where the cells producing PSA are located. However, in cases where PSA is still very low, imaging tests may not provide enough information to determine a further course of action. So sometimes the next steps are based on the probability chance of cure with radiation rather than actually seeing the cancer on scans, because the clusters of prostate cancer cells might be very small.
The tea is full of antioxidants that protect against several cancers, including prostate cancer. Asian countries where men drink large amounts of green tea have some of the lowest prostate cancer rates in the world. Some studies found the nutrients in green tea were able to protect against prostate cancer and lower PSA levels.
Green tea was also studied as a supplement to help slow the rate of growth in men with existing prostate cancer. If you have a high body mass index, this can complicate your PSA readings.
Carrying the extra weight can cause your PSA to read lower, when in fact you could still be in danger. Combining an exercise plan with a healthy diet can help you lose weight. In addition to helping you maintain a healthy weight, getting regular exercise has also been shown to reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Research has also found that getting three hours of moderate to intense exercise per week is associated with a higher survival rate in men with prostate cancer.
This could temporarily make your levels go up and give an inaccurate reading. Stress can affect your body in so many different ways. One study did find a link between abnormal PSA levels and high levels of stress. Learning some ways to relax and decompress can help reduce your stress levels.
Find something that works well for you and make time for it. Eating healthier and getting more exercise is beneficial to your overall health. These are good changes to start and stick to. Learn: Webinars and Videos. Learn: Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle. Learn: Questions for Your Doctor. Learn: Prostate Cancer News.
X Search. X Patient Support Hotline Call ZERO is a free, comprehensive patient support service to help patients and their families navigate insurance and financial obstacles to cover treatment and other critical needs associated with cancer. X Subscribe to our E-Newsletter Stay up-to-date on the latest news about prostate cancer. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Main Menu X. Patient Looking for Support? Call What is the PSA test?
What is Prostate-Specific Antigen? What is the controversy surrounding PSA screening? When should I get a PSA test? How can I get a PSA test? The following are some general PSA level guidelines: 0 to 2. However, there are several other reasons why a PSA result might be high: Advanced age Recent biopsy Catheter Injury to pelvic region or prostate Prostatitis Riding a bicycle Sex within the past 24 hours Supplements that effect testosterone Urinary tract infection If you have an elevated PSA, talk with your doctor about your activities and your health.
More Resources Learn: Webinars and Videos. Get Patient Support. I have a very large prostate inherited from my father. No CA in our family. Mar 1. My PSA had crept up to 5. Then I cut out all sugar and went on a very strict vegetable, fruit and only white meat diet. Great, but only two weeks later another blood test was done to to see if I was a potential donor of a kidney to a friend.
What can cause spikes like that? I am going to have a 4score test and just stay on this and checking the every 4 months. I am 59 today…I do not want to do a biopsy at this time.. I do not know…suggestions??? My husband is the same way he is 51 years old. His PSA was about a 3 last year. Went to a 4 six months later. Had a lacerated injury of his kidney when he was playing baseball and brought his PSA to a 9! His kidney is not healed yet and still has a hematoma.
I am thinking the not-so healed kidney is keeping his PSA out of range. His urologist is encouraging him to have a biopsy done and my husband had done a lot of research and decided to have a 3D Color Doppler done. We had to drive to AZ to have it done. His prostate was dense and it came out large.
Although it did show, 3 small dark spots in his prostate. They did a saliva and blood test on him as well. The doctor will not rule out anything until we get the lab results back which is in 3 weeks. Nerve wrecking to say the least. PSA Sept was 4. My PSA readings since are as follows June 3. I will turn 69 next month. I had been on it for several years because I had low testosterone levels which contributed to my bone density dropping into the risky range for osteoporosis.
When sample sent to the lab for confirmation, it came back negative for UTI. Symptoms cleared on antibiotics. Too many variables I know to be sure.