In short, douching is definitely more harmful than helpful! Okay, but what about when it comes to my period? Should I douche at that time of the month? Will douching stop my period? The simple answer is no. Our vagina is designed to be self-cleaning, by flushing out fluids, cells and bacteria through discharge. This process naturally keeps your downstairs clean, moist, helps to prevent any nasty infections, as well as maintaining a healthy pH balance.
Pretty cool, right? While odours can be stronger during your period, douching will only cover this up for a short amount of time and might actually cause worse problems like an infection.
And while it might clear out some blood temporarily, menstrual blood will continue to flow as usual. So, what IS the best way to keep your downstairs healthy and clean? We recommend leaving this job to the expert — which is actually your vagina itself! No need for douching! In addition to this, maintaining good daily personal hygiene habits and cleaning the outside of your vagina with warm water will do the trick. While we recommend steering clear from douching , scented soaps and body washes, you can always use a feminine hygiene wash.
These washes are natural, pH-balanced, gentle and are designed to naturally cleanse this area without causing irritation. Girls, please keep in mind that a little odour is totes normal! ET closed on federal holidays. Breadcrumb Home A-Z health topics Douching. Douching Douching is washing or cleaning out the vagina with water or other mixtures of fluids. What is douching? How common is douching? Why should women not douche? What health problems are linked to douching? Health problems linked to douching include: 5 Bacterial vaginosis BV , which is an infection in the vagina.
Women who douche often once a week are five times more likely to develop BV than women who do not douche. Should I douche to get rid of vaginal odor or other problems? Call your doctor or nurse if you have: Vaginal discharge that smells bad Vaginal itching and thick, white, or yellowish-green discharge with or without an odor Burning, redness, and swelling in or around the vagina Pain when urinating Pain or discomfort during sex These may be signs of a vaginal infection, or an STI.
Should I douche to clean inside my vagina? What is the best way to clean my vagina? Keep your vagina clean and healthy by: Washing the outside of your vagina with warm water when you bathe. Some women also use mild soaps. But, if you have sensitive skin or any current vaginal infections, even mild soaps can cause dryness and irritation. Avoiding scented tampons, pads, powders, and sprays. These products may increase your chances of getting a vaginal infection.
Can douching before or after sex prevent STIs? Should I douche if I had sex without using protection or if the condom broke? Should I douche if I was sexually assaulted? Can douching after sex prevent pregnancy? How does douching affect pregnancy? Douching can make it harder to get pregnant and can cause problems during pregnancy: Trouble getting pregnant. Women who douched at least once a month had a harder time getting pregnant than those women who did not douche.
Douching may increase a woman's chance of damaged fallopian tubes and ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg attaches to the inside of the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. If left untreated, ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening. It can also make it hard for a woman to get pregnant in the future. Higher risk of early childbirth.
Douching raises your risk for premature birth. One study found that women who douched during pregnancy were more likely to deliver their babies early. Did we answer your question about douching? For more information about douching, call the OWH Helpline at Sources Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chandra, A. Fertility, family planning, and reproductive health of U. Vital Health Statistics; 23 25 , 1— Ott, M. We include products we think are useful for our readers.
If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. A menstrual period consists of the shedding of an unfertilized egg, blood, and uterine lining tissues. This is most likely related to the vaginal substance itself, but bacteria and acidity can also play a role. Any odors you might notice during your period can also fluctuate.
They may even have a slight metallic smell from iron and bacteria. Good hygiene practices can also combat normal period odors and make you more comfortable during menstruation. The strong smell is likely due to the blood and tissues exiting the vagina along with bacteria. You might be able to control such odors by changing pads and tampons frequently, especially during heavy-flow days.
If your period smells and you notice unusual symptoms, see your doctor. There could be something else going on. Unlike other common odors, fishiness usually indicates a medical problem that you need to see a doctor for. This odor is most often attributed to bacterial vaginosis , a type of infection. It results from the overgrowth of normal vaginal bacteria.
Douching may also increase your risk for this type of infection. Bacterial vaginosis is treated with antibiotics. Once the bacteria is balanced out after treatment, you should no longer notice any unusual smells or other symptoms during your period. These are most likely caused by not practicing good hygiene during the menstrual cycle.