To perform a push-up on the Perfect Pushup, place the Perfect Pushup platforms about shoulder-distance apart. Hold the handles and, as you bend your elbows to push up and down, your hands and arms rotate 90 degrees. If the Perfect Pushup inspires you to do more push-ups, then it's going to give you results. It may also encourage you to explore a broader range of motion, given the elevated handles.
The handles also neutralize your wrist, meaning your joints don't have to bend to hold you up during the push-up. This can diminish wrist pain. The Perfect Pushup encourages a slow, methodical pace, so you end up using more muscle and less momentum.
This could help you get a little more activation through the muscles if you tend to pump out push-ups super quickly. Sponsored content. One of the easiest workouts to do is a pushup. No gym membership necessary. Which will lead to lackluster workout results. And it is simple as hell to use. With this sleek design, you will have no choice but to get the best form possible during your workout. Should you elect to only use the Perfect Pushup and change little else in your lifestyle your results, naturally, will be less impressive, but still notable.
Of course, as is so of often the case when it comes to exercise, your mileage may vary. This recession has no doubt put many people into a funk, and what better, healthier way to relieve stress than doing a few pushups… perfect pushups?
See what I did there? Hooray for anything! As soon as we got a sample, we rolled up our lab coat sleeves and began testing. Things quickly grew competitive. The technology editors took on the home improvement editors in an attempt to prove once and for all that wielding a Wii controller requires as much strength as swinging a hammer.
The Perfect Pushup forces the user to do slower, more controlled pushups, though, so despite being red-faced and maxed-out, our numbers weren't that impressive. But everyone agreed that compared to the standard pushup, the tool creates a more comprehensive exercise. By allowing the user to dip lower and rise higher with each repetition, the product expands the range of motion, increasing difficulty and causing a satisfying level of fatigue.