To identify your Bitnami installation type and what approach to follow, run the command below:. The output of the command indicates which approach A or B is used by the installation, and will allow you to identify the paths, configuration and commands to use in this guide. Refer to the FAQ for more information on these changes. One of our main goals is to configure Bitnami applications in the most secure way. For this reason, the configuration in the.
If the application supports using. There is a common misconception that you are required to use. This is not the case. See above for a discussion of when you should and should not use. Having said that, if you still think you need to use a. Note that AllowOverride AuthConfig must be in effect for these directives to have any effect. Please see the authentication tutorial for a more complete discussion of authentication and authorization.
Another common use of. This may be done with the following configuration directives, placed in a. Please see the SSI tutorial for a more complete discussion of server-side includes. When using RewriteRule in. In particular, rules are taken to be relative to the current directory, rather than being the original requested URI. Consider the following examples:. Thus, your regular expression needs to omit that portion as well. Finally, you may wish to use a.
This may be implemented with the following configuration:. Alternately, if you wish to have all files in the given directory be considered to be CGI programs, this may be done with the following configuration:. When you put configuration directives in a.
Most commonly, the problem is that AllowOverride is not set such that your configuration directives are being honored. Make sure that you don't have a AllowOverride None in effect for the file scope in question. A good test for this is to put garbage in your. If a server error is not generated, then you almost certainly have AllowOverride None in effect.
If, on the other hand, you are getting server errors when trying to access documents, check your httpd error log. It will likely tell you that the directive used in your. This will indicate either that you've used a directive that is never permitted in. Consult the documentation for that particular directive to determine which is the case.
Alternately, it may tell you that you had a syntax error in your usage of the directive itself. In this case, the error message should be specific to the particular syntax error that you have committed.
Copyright The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. Any directive that you can include in a. Note: If you want to call your. This might be helpful if you want to isolate traffic patterns. You might also use it if you were getting excess server traffic from a questionable source. The NC option instructs to ignore the upper or lower case so that the rule can't be bypassed by entering BlockedDomain.
Omit this option on the last entry. You can use the. One example is the page. This page can now be customized to display any kind of error message you want. Just specify the ErrorDocument number, for example, Error than point.
This guide provides basic commands and settings, with some of the most likely scenarios you might encounter. Step 1: Enable Apache. What is an htaccess File? Was this article helpful?
Goran Jevtic.