Originally Posted by AcroporAddict. Been doing it so long I rarely even check sg anymore - just mix for a day and go for it. I can't help that I grow older, but you can't make me grow up!
I use 3 cups of IO Reef Crystals per 5 gallons of rodi to get 1. It seems we all have our methods! As long as they work, they are all right! I keep a plastic cup in the salt bucket, with a line marked on it at a level of salt mix needed about 11 tablespoons for 1. Then when I refill the salt water holding vessel ;it's just a matter of counting the number of buckets of water and matching it with an equal numbers of cups filled to the line with salt.
I use 2. Comes out perfect every time. Current Tank Info: gal reef tank with a 30gal sump. I use 1. You will always be remembered. Originally Posted by Yeroc9. Thread Tools. David A. Crandall, M. Fatherree, M. Ken Feldman Jon E. Shimek, Ph. All times are GMT The time now is AM. TapaTalk Enabled. Use of this web site is subject to the terms and conditions described in the user agreement.
User Name. Remember Me? Mark Forums Read. Find More Posts by Rybren. Visit Randy Holmes-Farley's homepage! Find More Posts by Crusinjimbo. Find More Posts by Tamarae. AcroporAddict There is no substitute. Find More Posts by AcroporAddict. Find More Posts by tmz. I bought gallons and i guess drsfosterandsmith figures no one who buys a bag that big without knowing what they're doing. It doesn't say on the bag?
Funlad3 Has been struck by the ban stick. On a side note, one cup per five gallon bucket gives water at exactly 1. Funlad3 said:. Click to expand When are you getting that wood occifer? Hopefully soon, I've been a combination of busy and lazy. Good combo, only beaten by busy with laziness. Or busy with fun stuff. TylerHaworth Active Member. Human Error Reference point: The gallon box has four bags, which makes roughly 50 gallons per bag.
Start low and add until you reach your end point. Tyler, refractometer testing was how I got to the 1. I started with the 1 cup per five gallons, and boy was I surprised! Just let it mix for a couple hours then test it. Buy yourself a brute trash can and the dolly for it.
It will make mixing much easier, I mix 20 to 30 gallons at a time using one. Doogle Well-Known Member. Not perfect measurements but it works for me.
I stir it well with my hand and it's ready for use within the hour. DaveK Well-Known Member. When you mix salt it is sort of an art. You need to work on it a few times to figure out what is best for you. As usual, I recommend you get a refractometer, if you don't already have one. It makes the testing a lot easier, and it's more accurate.
I prefer to mix salt in comparatively large amounts, typically I use a 50 gal rubbermaid trash can.