How is background radiation measured

With regards to the geographical properties, the level of BR was low in the cities of Hormozgan province. However, these values were lower than the worldwide mean value of 0.

These variations are due to effects of altitude, latitude, and distribution of radionuclides on BR measurements. Thus, it can be gathered that altitude and latitude are 2 determining factors for BR levels 4 , 29 , In this study, lifetime cancer risks were computed from the AED values to evaluate the radiological risk.

These values were higher than the world average of ELCR of 0. The altitude parameter has a crucial role in contribution percentage of directly-ionizing particles eg, electron, proton, and alpha and photon and neutron components in cosmic rays. At low-altitude regions, the neutron component of the cosmic ray cannot penetrate deeply into the atmosphere to reach the ground.

Neutrons reach their maximum dose at the altitude of Km above the ground and reduce rapidly to small amounts at sea levels Goldhagen et al 34 measured the neutron flux and its contribution to the total effective dose at high altitude regions. Also, the directly-ionizing components of the cosmic ray are more attenuated at lower altitudes due to attenuation effects of atmosphere layers. It is well established that as altitude of the region is continuing to decrease, the level of BR diminishes concurrently Also, the thin layer of atmosphere and distribution of radionuclides in the higher altitude regions can cause an increase in human exposure.

Furthermore, geomagnetic fields result in attenuation of directly-ionizing component of cosmic rays by deflecting low-momentum charged particles back into space The findings of this study indicated that Zahedan, Saravan, and Khash in Sistan-Bluchestan province had relatively high BR, which can be attributed to their high altitude. Another reason can be magnetic highlands in these areas and existence of radionuclides around the mountain ranges.

However, more research should be done to investigate this topic by gamma spectrometry of soil samples of this region. In conclusion, the aim of this study was to measure BR to compare its level with worldwide data. The results obtained indicated that the study areas had a lower BR level than the worldwide value. This study can be a valuable and useful reference for research design and development of a regional surveys associated with the measurement of natural BR in the southeast of Iran.

These data can be used for biological studies such as cancer incidence and hematological studies. Assessment of background radiation levels in the southeast of Iran. Med J Islam Repub Iran. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Published online Jun 1. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Corresponding author: Mahdieh Afkhami Ardekani, moc. Received Sep Abstract Background: Measuring background radiation BR is highly important from different perspectives, especially from that of human health. Keywords: Background radiation, Environmental radiation, Absorbed dose rate, Annual effective dose.

Introduction Humans are exposed to ionizing radiation from natural radioactivity, but natural radioactivity sources are present all over the earth 1 , 2.

Methods Hormozgan and Sistan-Bluchestan provinces are located in the southeast of Iran. Table 1 Absorbed dose rate nSv. City Absorbed dose rate nGy. Open in a separate window. Discussion Based on the findings of this study, the interaction of ionizing radiation with tissues can cause multiple complications such as DNA damage and cancer Conclusion In conclusion, the aim of this study was to measure BR to compare its level with worldwide data.

In Nigeria, environmental radiation measurements started in October following the nuclear weapons testing carried out by France in Reganne in the Sahara region of Africa. This monitoring effort was motivated by the fear of likely fallout in densely populated countries in the tropical Africa [4]. Since then, some speciic or localized studies on radioactivity assessment in the environment have been done.

It moved into its permanent site which is the location of this study in with a land mass of about hectares. It is one of the most populous universities in the South East with a population of about forty ive thousand 45, people both staff and students [5].

The map of the study area is shown below as figure 1. Eke and Emelue has previously studied the radiation emission and health hazard implications of refuse dump site in FUTO using the sodium iodide scintillation counter [5]. This present study focused not only on the refuse dump site, but on the entire school both outdoors and indoors. Exposure to ionizing radiation over extended period is known to result in non — leather mutation, which could increase the risk of cancer [6].

There is a linear, no — threshold LNT relationship between radiation dose and the occurrence of cancer [7]. This dose-response hypothesis suggests that any increase in radiation dose, no matter how small, could results in an increase in cancer risk [8].

Hence the purpose of this study is to. Download Image. Measure the natural background radiation present in both outdoors and inside the buildings in the Federal University of Technology FUTO. The digital Geiger counter is a particle detector that could detect Alpha, Beta and gamma radiations although it detects gamma ray with lower sensitivity compared to other detectors.

The main elements of a digital Geiger — Muller counter is a tube which is a chamber filled with a noble gas. This tube contains two electrodes anode and cathode which are coated with graphite. The anode is represented by a wire in the centre of the chamber, while the cathode forms the lateral area. One end of the cylinder through which the radiation enters the chamber, is sealed by a mica window.

These features make it an ideal choice for the measurement of the natural background radiation rates. Ionizing radiation coming from the surrounding medium passes through the mica window and enters the Geiger — Muller tube [9]. It ionizes the gas inside the gas chamber and transforms it into positively and negatively charged ions.

Isinkaye, Natural radioactivity levels and the radiological health implications of tailing enriched soil and sediment samples around two mining sites in Southwest Nigeria, Radiat.

Abdulkarim and S. Tubosun, P. Tchokossa, G. Okunlola, F. Balogun, M. Fasasi and S. Ekhaeyemhe, Natural radioactivity associated with mining of rare metal pegmatite of Oke-Ogun field, Sepeteri, Southwestern Nigeria, Int. Gbadebo and A. Amos, Assessment of radionuclide pollutants in bedrocks and soils from Ewekoro cement factory, Southwest Nigeria, Asian J. Isinkaye, N. Jibiri and A. Olomide, Radiological health assessment of natural radioactivity in the vicinity of Obajana cement factory, North Central Nigeria, J.

Chaudhuri, N. Naskar and S. Lahiri, Measurement of background radioactivity in surface soil of Indian Sundarban, J. Bala, R. Mehra and R. Ramola, Distribution of natural radioactivity in soil samples and radiological hazards in building material of Una, Himachal Pradesh, J. Bangotra, R. Mehra, R. Jakhu, K. Kaur, P. Pandit and S. Kanse, Estimation of Rn exhalation rate and assessment of radiological risk from activity concentration of Ra, Th and 40 K, J.

Kolo, S. Abdul Aziz, M. Khandaker, K. Asaduzzaman and Y. Download references. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Omoniyi Matthew Isinkaye. Reprints and Permissions. Isinkaye, O. MAPAN 33, — Download citation. Received : 08 January Accepted : 12 April Published : 03 May Issue Date : September Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.

Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Abstract Mining activity and metal extraction processes have been identified as one of the major pathways through which natural radionuclides are accumulated in the terrestrial environment.

References [1] D. Article Google Scholar [4] I. Learn more about measuring the amount of radioactivity. Learn more about measuring ambient radiation levels. Learn more about measuring radiation dose. Skip directly to site content Skip directly to page options Skip directly to A-Z link. Radiation and Your Health.


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